Bowed Instruments
Brass Instruments
Woodwind Instruments
Educational Percussion
Used SPL Marching Bass Drum - White 20"x14" (NO HARNESS)
CONSIGNMENT Noblet Paris Clarinet - Made in France (Vanlandingham)
Cremona SC-500 Premier Artist Cello Outfit – 4/4 Size
Noblet Wooden Bass Clarinet - Made in France
Suzuki SRG-11 One Piece German Recorder
Consignment USED Yamaha YFL-200ADII Student Flute (R. Jenny)
Jupiter JCL700NA Clarinet
Consignment Selmer 1400 Clarinet (Wever)
Cremona 1/2 Size Student Bass w/ AB-110B Bow & Bag
Cremona 3/4 Size Student Bass w/ Bow & Bag
Majestic MSK14D 14" Snare Drum Kit w/ Stand, Sticks, pad - Backpack
Majestic MSK12DL 12" Snare Drum Kit w/ Stand, Sticks, pad - Backpack
Cremona 1/4 Size Student Bass w/ AB-110B Bow & Bag
Yamaha Bb Baritone Sax Ligature
$15.99 $18.39
Hunter 6418L-1 Student Trumpet W/ Mouthpiece & Case -WEB
Hunter 6403NE Student Clarinet w/ Mouthpiece and Case - WEB
Hunter 6456MS Student Flute with Case - WEB
J.I. Strings VT-35 Intermediate Violin 4/4 w/ Case and Bow - WEB
Jupiter Trombone JTB730 w/ Mouthpiece & Case - WEB
Jupiter JTR700A Student Trumpet w/ Mouthpiece & Case - WEB
Yamaha YSL-200AD Tenor Trombone - W/ Case & Mouthpiece - WEB
Yamaha Advantage Trumpet - YTR-200ADII - w/ Mouth Piece & Case - copy
Yamaha Advantage Clarinet - YCL-200ADII - w/ Mouth Piece Ligature & Case
Yamaha YFL-200ADIIY Student Flute with Case - WEB
Yamaha YAS-200ADII Student Alto Sax w/ Mouthpiece & Case - WEB
Majestic AK32PC Bell Kit / Practice Pad w/stand/rolling bag/mallets/sticks
Nuvo N320RDBBK Recorder - Black w/ Black Hard Case
$14.99 $19.99
Yamaha Trombone - YSL-354SC - Silver
Trevor James 10X Flute
$499.99 $699.99
Jupiter CTB-40A CXL Trombone